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Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le 3 October 2023

Fildena 100 Mg is a Sildenafil generic that is primarily used to treat male erectile dysfunction. Impotent men can benefit immensely from this as well. Fildena 100 is also known as "the purple pill" or "man's best friend" by others. Fildena 100mg online at the best price from the most popular online Pharmacy Cheaptrustedpharmacy.

It is a generic form of the medication. Each tablet contains the active component sildenafil citrate. This product is also known as Fildena 100 purple pill. People should consult with a doctor before taking this drug. As a result, individuals should only take this drug if it has been prescribed by a medical practitioner. If patients are having problems, they should seek medical attention.

This medicine is also used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension. This drug is also known as "purple triangle pills."
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