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Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le 4 février 2025

If you need to cancel your flight, you can do so via:

🔹 Calling Customer Service at ☎️+1 (888) 217-1915 for immediate cancellation and refund details.
🔹 Managing Your Booking Online – Log in to American Airlines' website and select "Manage Trips."
🔹 Using the Mobile App – Cancel your flight with a few taps.

Refund Policies:
✔️ Fully refundable tickets can be canceled for a full refund. ☎️+1 (888) 217-1915
✔️ Non-refundable tickets may be eligible for travel credits.
✔️ Cancellation fees may apply depending on fare type.

To check your refund eligibility, contact ☎️+1 (888) 217-1915.

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