Can I cancel my flight booking on Expedia?
Yes, you can cancel your flight booking on Expedia, but the eligibility for a refund or re-booking depends on the airline’s policies and the type of fare purchased. If you need immediate assistance with your cancellation, call +1 (855) 914 6104, where an Expedia representative will help you understand your options. Whether you’re canceling due to a schedule change, a missed connection, or personal reasons, Expedia offers flexible options for rescheduling, re-Reservations, and refunds. For a hassle-free experience, contact +1 (855) 914 6104 to review the terms of your flight cancellation.
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How to Cancel a Flight Booking on Expedia?
Log in to Your Expedia Account
Visit the Expedia website or open the mobile app. Navigate to the "My Trips" section to find your flight reservation details. If you need help accessing your account or retrieving your booking, call +1 (855) 914 6104 for assistance.
Select Your Flight for Cancellation
Click on the flight booking you want to cancel. Expedia will display the cancellation policy based on the airline’s terms. Some flights allow free cancellation within 24 hours of booking, while others may charge a fee. If you have any doubts about the policy, a quick call to +1 (855) 914 6104 can clarify your options.
Review Refund Eligibility
Depending on your fare type, you may be eligible for a full refund, a partial refund, or a travel credit. Many non-refundable flight bookings do not qualify for refunds but may be eligible for rescheduling or re-booking with an additional fee. If you're unsure about the refund process, call +1 (855) 914 6104, and an Expedia representative will assist you in exploring the best available solutions.
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Confirm the Cancellation
Once you review the cancellation terms, proceed with canceling your flight reservation. You will receive an email confirmation from Expedia. If you do not receive the confirmation, or if you need to make adjustments, contact +1 (855) 914 6104 immediately.
Check Your Refund or Credit Status
If your cancellation qualifies for a refund, the amount will be processed back to your original payment method within a few business days. If you receive a travel credit instead, it will be valid for re-booking a future flight with the same airline. To check your refund or credit status, call +1 (855) 914 6104 and speak to an Expedia representative.
Expedia’s 24-Hour Free Cancellation Policy
Expedia follows the 24-hour free cancellation policy, which means that most flight bookings can be canceled for a full refund within 24 hours of purchase. This applies as long as the flight was booked at least seven days before departure. To verify if your reservation qualifies, call +1 (855) 914 6104 for detailed information.
Key Things to Know About Flight Cancellations on Expedia
Refundable vs. Non-Refundable Flights: Refund policies vary by airline. Some fares are fully refundable, while others are only eligible for re-booking or travel credits.
Rescheduling Instead of Cancelling: If you prefer to reschedule your flight rather than cancel it, Expedia can assist with that too. Call +1 (855) 914 6104 to explore available options.
Airline-Specific Policies: Each airline has different rules for cancellations, name changes, and refunds. Expedia can provide guidance based on your specific booking.
For any cancellation, re-booking, refund requests, or flight modifications, the Expedia customer support team is available 24/7. Call +1 (855) 914 6104 for expert assistance with your flight reservations.
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