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How do I get a refund for a canceled flight?
If your flight booking has been canceled, you may be eligible for a refund based on the airline's policies and ticket type. For immediate assistance in processing your refund, re-booking, or travel credit, call +1 (855) 914 6104, where Expedia’s customer support representatives are available to guide you. Whether your flight was canceled by the airline or you chose to cancel it yourself, Expedia ensures that your refund request is handled efficiently.

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Steps to Get a Refund for a Canceled Flight
Check Your Booking Details
Log in to your Expedia account and navigate to the "My Trips" section. Locate your flight reservation and review the airline's refund and cancellation policies. If you are unsure about your refund eligibility, call +1 (855) 914 6104, and a representative will provide the necessary details.

Determine Refund Eligibility
Some flights qualify for a full refund, while others may offer travel credits for future re-booking. If your ticket is non-refundable, you may still have the option to reschedule your flight. Contact +1 (855) 914 6104 to explore the best available options.

Submit a Refund Request
If your cancellation is eligible for a refund, follow the steps on Expedia’s website to submit your request. Ensure that your payment details are updated to avoid delays. If you experience issues while submitting your refund request, call +1 (855) 914 6104, and a representative will assist you.

Wait for Processing
Refund processing times vary depending on the airline and payment method. Some refunds may be processed within 7–10 business days, while others might take longer. If you have not received your refund within the expected timeframe, dial +1 (855) 914 6104 to check the status of your request.

Alternative Options: Travel Credit or Re-Booking
If your flight cancellation does not qualify for a refund, the airline may offer travel credit for future flight reservations. This credit can be used for your next trip, often with flexible policies. To use your travel credit for a new reservation, or to inquire about re-booking, call +1 (855) 914 6104 for assistance.

>>Call Now Expedia Hotline: ☎️+1 (855) 914 6104 <<
Expedia’s 24-Hour Free Cancellation Policy
If you canceled your flight booking within 24 hours of purchase, you may be entitled to a full refund, provided that the ticket was booked at least seven days before departure. To confirm whether your reservation qualifies, contact Expedia at +1 (855) 914 6104.

Key Points to Remember
Refund eligibility depends on airline policies and ticket type.
Non-refundable flights may still be eligible for rescheduling or travel credit.
Refunds typically take 7–10 business days to process, but some cases may take longer.
Expedia’s 24-hour cancellation policy allows full refunds on eligible bookings.
For immediate refund assistance, re-booking, or rescheduling, call +1 (855) 914 6104.
If you need further help with your refund request, re-Reservation, or rescheduling, Expedia’s support team is available 24/7. Call +1 (855) 914 6104 for personalized assistance.

>>Call Now Expedia Hotline: ☎️+1 (855) 914 6104 <<

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